Swarming Hive June 2013
Around two
weeks ago, Hive 2 started to make 'play cups' the beginnings of
Queen Cells (QC), and the start of the swarming process. These QC
around 6 in number.
I performed
an ‘artificial swarm’ which is simple mimicking the natural process
of swarming by removing the queen and all the flying bees to another
hive, this hive I called Hive 3.
I left one
QC in Hive 2 and removed all the others (three to three ‘mating
hives’ and another one to a Nucleus Hive, the rest I put in a
Tupperware container to take photos.
A few
days later, hive 2 queen emerged from cell. She then has to mate and
hopefully in a week or so start laying eggs. The hive is then complete, and
fully functional again.
Back to Hive 3. Two days ago I ‘checked the hive’, this was to
ensure that no more QC’s had been produced. All ok.
Today, at 0955, I noticed a large number of bees coming out the
hive. I went upstairs for a clearer view and there was a cloud of
bees at the top of the garden. This cloud gradually moved closer
towards the house. They had
swarmed. |
Waiting patiently for another hour, they settled in three small
groups on some plants in my garden.
Thankfully they had settled at knee high off the ground.
Deploying the rescue party, (me in bee suit with suitable wooden box
and a water sprayer), I cut the plant that they were hanging to and
dropped them carefully into the box, repeating for the other two
Placing the lid on, I then waited for another hour allowing all the
bees to enter through the small opening at the bottom of the box.
A little rain helped this progress. |
looked inside hive 3, I realised I had missed a QC (the bees
are very good at hiding them!). This queen was almost ready to
emerge, causing the resulting swarm.
I estimate from her size and formation she is around 12 days
'old' meaning, 4 days from emerging from her cell fully formed.
Once this QC had been removed, I emptied the wooden box into the
hive. All back where they belong.
This picture show the bees fanning at the entrance to the hive, this
allows the stragglers to find their new home.
So, what have I learnt?
The bees know what they are doing – even if I don’t.
Look more carefully for QC.
Bees swarming although alarming (or 'scary' as my neighbour states),
are the calmest bees possible.
Let’s see how they all get on.
Finally, I now know that my son is ‘ok’ with bee stings. While
playing in the garden, a bee found his hair interesting and got
caught up. He remained calm as I had taught him. Still the bee stung
him, a few ice lollies and he recovered-she did not.
picture of the sting is shown magnified x30.
Once I showed
him the sting I had removed he seemed still interested in bees! He
still wants his own bee suit…… |